The Amazon Management System by Ram Charan & Julia Yang

Search for the enablers of the Sustained success of any organisation invariably lead to Leadership. Leadership is all about purpose, a burning desire to make an impact, crisply defined value system which then becomes the DNA of the organization, respectful fear of irrelevance, divine dissatisfaction, change agility, manic focus on talent and people and focus on long term.

This book brought together two themes I love 1) Inspirational leadership that Jef Bezos’s creation and sustenance of the ultimate Digital Organization with an operating system fit for future 2) The disarmingly simple but incredibly incisive narration that I love Ram Charan for.

6 guiding principles and 14 leadership tenets permeate the air of Amazon and the DNA of its leaders.

The story of what makes Amazon the hugely successful and huge Digital Enterprise is fascinating.

It sure raises a few questions in one’s mind. What would Amazon beyond Jeff be? Is the DNA he created capable of sustaining and building on it without the active involvement of a powerful and towering personality of Jeff?

But that is for another time. For now, I loved reading this book. Hope you would too