Retired? what an incredibly shallow thought ....

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I woke up this morning to the fact that I completed exactly a year of not being in a job, not having an employee number, no working hours, no boss! and no living life Quarter on Quarter.What an incredibly beautiful year.

There was a time I used to say I retired. That description made less and less sense as I spent these 365 days immersed in life, meeting people, visiting places, reading books, learning one thing or other, listening better, training others, getting trained by others, appreciating things a lot more, receiving the kindness of life and working hard to give some back.

And then the realisation dawned. There is no such thing called retirement.With so much more in life ahead of me, it would be irresponsible to "retire".

Your troubles start the day YOU believe you retired. You age rapidly the day you feel old. Stupidity takes charge the day you stopped believing you can learn. Irrelevance takes over the day you stop striving to make an impact. World looks morose the day you stop smiling. This is life. No one retires till one moves on. ...

An incredible year that started on Antarctica a year ago. It has been a blessing thanks to the wonderful people in our lives - family, friends, ex-teams, ex-bosses, teachers .... Thank you all for being a part of our lives folks. You are precious .. You made it all seem so worthwhile.

Life Is Beautiful and for now, it is Hakuna Matata time until the next travel or meeting people or the next great meal or shooting a photograph or learning something somewhere on something or anything else that is beautiful or impactful.

So, think twice and think loud next time the thought of retirement cross your mind .... you need to stop having an employee number at some point of time. Nothing else changes ...

#retIreORretYre #nooneeverretires. .