The Learning Sherpa

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Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella

my take

Satya is my absolutely favourite leader. What he has been doing at Microsoft, a large and successful organization and a household brand when he took over

Microsoft, in my view, was the crossroads of its lifecycle. The organization had to make fundamental changes in their sense of purpose and leadership, proposition and customer value and most importantly, the culture and operating system of the corporation.

5 years later, what Satya managed to do is a one off case study of success and sustainability of a corporation.

Microsoft market capitalisation tripling in 4 years under Satya Nadella was no accident. Its a whole new journey of purpose, authenticity, vision, learning and a tremendously market competitive sense Microsoft’s 3rd CEO in all its year breathed into the corporation. Satya is an incredibly inspiring leader and I never tire of reading him and talking about him. Nothing gives a better ringside view than Hit Refresh