The Learning Sherpa

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Lingo 4.0, the Language of Industry 4.0

Infodemic, eco manufacturing, circular metrics, perpetual computing, code on conveyor, open source bionic leg, digital breadcrumbs, connected cows, precision agriculture, wearable robots, server-less computing, bazar organisational model, hybrid workforce, boundary blurring, expertise economy, additive manufacture, computational photography, psychic RAM, nano robotics …. etc., etc., etc.,

The list of goes on ..

This is just a subset of a whole new gamut of words, phrases and idiom that is now a part of our day to day business dictionary and personal vocabulary. These are not a part of the English language we grew up with while they all sound so intimately familiar. They tickle our intellect and curiosity with their witty freshness and their laser sharp utility. I run into a steady stream of these linguistic jewels all the time as I read, write, listen, watch and learn dipping into the endless oasis of emerging body of knowledge each day. They excite me with the playful creativity and they tickle my unending curiosity to know more about them and continue mining.

This article is the first in my series of intended articles as I explore, dissect and understand these phrases, dive into the disruptive business and life solutions they bring our way and share with you all through short articles to hear your views and to learn from your own language discoveries.

The story of human race has constantly evolved over the past 200,000 years it has been around. Modern age bloomed into human history with the end of the dark medieval days and the arrival of Renaissance in the 15th Century. It then accelerated through the First Industrial Revolution triggered by steam power, 2nd Industrial Revolution catalysed by electrical power and the 3rd Industrial revolution powered by computers and internet. Before we realised, we are in the thick of the 4th Industrial Revolution (aka Digital Business Transformation or Industry 4.0) in the 21st century.

Each of these phases resulted in enormous changes in society, lifestyles and business models. What happened each time was so new and different that the prevailing business and management vocabulary proved inadequate to describe these changes either crisply or clearly.

So, business leaders, innovators and academicians granted themselves the linguistic liberty that poets always enjoyed -"If you can’t find a word that meets your needs, create one". Thus was born a whole new alphabet soup that I call Lingo 4.0.

I have not invented these words. I am not an inventor. I am a lifelong learner with my mind constantly tormented by curiosity. I want to gratefully acknowledge their creators - some known to me and some unknown. My attempt here is to collect, interpret and share these exciting concepts with you in a series of posts.

As you read, please do comment and share your own collection of Industry 4.0 Lingo ...

Welcome to Lingo 4.0